If you suspect you have bed bugs, consult an exterminator. These pests resemble apple seeds and are easily missed in dark corners of the mattress, box springs, and seams.
Professionals conduct a thorough inspection and often use bed bug-sniffing dogs. They may also apply insecticide sprays or sprinkle diatomaceous earth dust around rooms, which clings to the bugs and dehydrates them. Contact Bed Bug Exterminator Tampa now!

A bed bug infestation is easier to treat when caught early but cannot be easily detected. Bed bugs are small and cryptic, making them hard to spot in tight spaces such as mattresses’ seams or curtains’ folds. You’ll need a bright light and a magnifying glass to search for them. Carefully inspect the inside and outside surfaces of furniture, along with joints, screw holes, and the backs of bookcases. If you see what looks like a dot or a smear, it’s likely bed bug fecal matter.
To prevent a bed bug problem:
- Wash all clothing, bedding, and other textiles in hot water (on high heat for 30 minutes) to kill bed bugs and their eggs.
- If you suspect you have bed bugs, vacuum all floors, rugs, and carpeting throughout your home, paying special attention to cracks and crevices where they can hide.
- Keep belongings away from each other whenever possible to prevent them from becoming infested.
In addition to a thorough visual inspection, a professional can use scent detection canines to quickly locate and pinpoint bed bugs. This method can save both time and money, as it is the fastest and most accurate way to find and confirm a bed bug infestation.
Another option for detecting bed bugs is passive pitfall traps, which work on the simple principle that bed bugs do not climb well over coarse vertical surfaces. These devices are placed under the legs of beds and other pieces of furniture to catch any insects that try to crawl over them. They are easy to set up and maintain, but are less effective than active monitoring systems.
If you have a suspected bed bug infestation, contact your local health department or state pest control agency for advice and assistance. Some provide online resources about identifying, treating, and preventing bed bugs in your area. They may also refer you to a pest control company or other experts. Before hiring an exterminator, be sure to ask about their professional treatment methods and whether they offer pet-friendly options.
When you have confirmed an infestation of bed bugs, you will need to take quick action. They are resilient and can survive a month or more at normal temperatures, making them nearly impossible to eliminate with home treatments alone. This is why it’s essential to get professional help.
The first step is to remove and clean all items from the infested rooms. This includes clothing, books, magazines, toys and other clutter that may have been hiding bed bug eggs. Be sure to vacuum all surfaces and use a wand to reach deep corners. Don’t move infested items into a clean room, as this can spread the pests and their eggs to other spaces.
Next, vacuum all the furniture and other objects in the infested rooms. This should include the mattress, box spring, and bed frame. Be sure to vacuum the insides of all drawers and pay special attention to cracks. Then move all the furniture away from the walls and clean any nooks and crannies, including behind baseboards, wall outlets and switches. Seal and label bags for any items you need to move from infested rooms. This will ensure that the insects don’t escape and infest a new home.
Finally, sanitize all the items that can’t be washed or treated with a contact pesticide. This could include stuffed animals, clothes and curtains. Place these items in a large bin with a lid and tape a pesticide strip to the side or lid. Close the bin and leave it for a couple of days or however long the manufacturer recommends. You can also buy protective covers for mattresses and box springs that will trap the pests inside to kill them.
After the infested rooms have been sanitized, install interceptor traps under each leg of your furniture to prevent bed bugs from climbing up and exiting the beds. Make sure to monitor the traps every week and replace them if needed. Sprinkle a little talcum powder on the bottom of each interceptor to keep the bed bugs trapped in it. If possible, purchase a second set of interceptors and repeat the process in the other infested rooms.
Bed bugs can be difficult to eradicate, and if you suspect them in your home, taking a proactive approach is essential. This can minimize your control costs and prevent the pests from spreading to other rooms in your house or even to neighboring apartments in a multi-family building.
Using protective covers that encase mattresses and box springs eliminate many hiding spots and makes it much more difficult for the pests to escape. Look for a cover that is light in color, as this will make any hidden bed bug nymphs easier to see.
In addition to encasing beds, it is important to reduce clutter throughout the home to limit the number of places where the pests can hide. Remove unused clothes from storage areas and sift through closets to get rid of any infested items that are not being used.
Regularly wash linens and clothing in hot water, and dry them on high heat settings to kill bed bugs and their eggs. Any items that ccan’tbe washed or dried should be steamed or heated in special heat chambers designed for bed bug control, or frozen (using specialized equipment).
Inspect bedding and linens regularly, especially if someone has recently visited your home from an infested one. Also inspect stuffed animals, shoes and other items stored in closets.
Bed bug eggs are very difficult to see, and if you are not careful, the pests can lay hundreds of them in your home. If you notice any red, itchy welts on your skin, immediately take a shower and wipe down the area with rubbing alcohol. This will disinfect the area and kill any bed bugs.
It is important to keep records through the entire treatment process to track the pests as they are killed. This will help your pest control company identify any areas that may require additional attention. After the pests are gone, continue to monitor your home for a year or more to ensure that the insects have truly left for good. This will include inspecting all sleeping areas, and also other living spaces like family rooms, hallways, and bathrooms.
When yyou’reready to hire a bed bug exterminator, iit’simportant to ask them for references and reviews from previous customers. These will give you an idea of whether the company has a good reputation and how satisfied their clients have been with their services. You should also inquire about the methods that they use to determine how serious an infestation is and to target specific areas of the home. Ask if they use steam, heat treatments, and other non-toxic methods to eliminate the pests, which are safer for you, your family, and your pets.
Ask what preparations are required for these treatments and if tthere’sanything that you can do to help. For example, you may need to remove and wash linens and clothing before treatment. You may also want to clean and caulk cracks in your home, especially around baseboards. This can help eliminate the bugs and prevent them from returning after treatment.
Some of these methods are much faster than others, such as heat treatments. They ddon’trequire the use of chemicals and can be completed in just a few hours or days. These treatments are often used in hospitals and nursing homes, where pesticides cannot be used for safety reasons. They are also effective and safe for children, the elderly, and pets.
Other non-toxic methods of elimination include steam cleaning and borax. The former involves washing the clothes, bedding, and curtains in hot water with color-safe bleach. Borax is another method that kills the pests by dehydrating them. IIt’sa natural alternative to harmful chemicals and can be purchased in most stores.
Before you begin the process of eliminating bed bugs from your home, make sure to consult with the exterminator for a free quote. This will allow you to compare prices and services, as well as see if they offer any discounts. IIt’salso important to know how long the extermination will take, as this will help you plan your schedule.
IIt’salso a good idea to ask about the ccompany’sguarantee policy. A reputable exterminator should be willing to provide you with this information, as well as explain any circumstances that could cause a delay in service or affect the results.